
Nurture Mini Planet uses advanced pedagogy of the young child
- The Montessori Method of Dr Maria Montessori
- The Waldorf Method of Dr Rudolf Steiner
- Bloom Taxonomy of Dr Benjamin Bloom
- Multiple Intelligences of Dr Howard Gardner
- John Hattie's world's largest meta-analysis of educational research
Young children take in a tremendous amount of information from their environment with what Maria Montessori called "the absorbent mind." Our Nurture Mini Planet preschool program provides an enriching hands-on learning experience with specially formulated Montessori materials for math, language, sensorial exploration, practical life activities, art, science, and geography.
Making choices and using coordinated movements to accomplish tasks leads the child toward self-regulation and selfcontrol. Children develop observation and problemsolving skills. By manipulating, experimenting, and discovering, children begin to move from the concrete to the abstract as they prepare for the more complex studies of the Nurture Mini Planet primary program.
Nurture Mini Planet processes are inspiring. Six Broader Objective Reports per year are based on the principle of 'Compete with Yourself '. Teacher training brings out the caring, nurturing and encouraging role of the teacher.
Special Features
- Focus on joyfulness, beauty and perfection.
- Provide personal attention even in large classrooms.
- Differentiate instruction and personalise learning through
- feedback and observation.
- Use assessment rubrics that cover the broader objectives of
- development of a young child.
- Encourage self and peer learning and checking.
- Integrate independent work.
- Create intrinsic motivation from the earliest ages.

Nurture Mini Planet adds value to and focuses on nurturing confidence in each child while propelling each one forward to the next level of growth.
Defining the 3-6 Year Old Child
During the three- to six-year-old period, children make great developmental strides and show an enormous interest in the world around them. They are eager to learn, explore, and exert their ever-growing independence. The children learn through their interactions with their environment, by exploring, experimenting, touching, building, and doing things by and for themselves.
Social and language development
While many preschool children at this developmental stage still prefer parallel play, they are all beginning to learn to socialize, understand feelings, and manage working and playing in a group. They are fascinated by language and the names of things and are communicating well—adding new words by the thousands.
Child Development: The Preschool and Kindergarten Child
Dr. Montessori observed that children under the age of six absorb information without effort, through their everyday interactions with those around them and their environment. This important time of development provides the critical foundation of a child’s character, learning, and growth. As in all stages of child development, Dr. Montessori noted certain sensitive periods during this stage, a time when a child is powerfully motivated, driven, and able to learn certain things. These sensitive periods include aspects of movement, reading, mathematics, order, music, grace and courtesy, and many others. The classroom environment is designed to give the children a place in which they can work and learn freely, following their interests and natural tendencies.
Nurture Mini Planet Developmental Approach
At Nurture Mini Planet, all of our programs, from preschool through middle school, are developmentally responsive to the needs of individual children. In preschool and kindergarten, our classrooms are beautiful environments uniquely prepared to welcome and engage young children. Children work independently, in small groups with teachers, and with younger and older peers. Our experienced teachers fill the Montessori environment with opportunities for learning, exploration and socialization.

Preschool and Primary School Program Options
Program Format
Ages and Hours
Age 3–4: Morning Toddlers, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (Monday–Friday)
Age 3–4: Morning Preschool, 8:00–11:30 a.m. (Monday–Friday)
Age 5–6: Full-day Kindergarten, 8:00 a.m.–13:00 p.m. (Monday–Friday)
Classes I & 2: Full-day 8:00–13:00 a.m. (Monday–Friday)
Classes 3 to 5: Full-day 8:00–14:00 a.m. (Monday–Friday)
Extended Day Options
Preschool Enrichment Program: Monday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.–17:00 p.m. An afternoon enrichment program for our morning preschool students. Children may enroll for two, three or five afternoons per week.
After-School Program: Monday–Friday, 13:00–17:00 p.m.
Extended Day Child Care: Rates depend on the number of hours used.
Parents, Teachers and Education
At Nurture Mini Planet, parents participate in their child’s preschool education.
Conferences are held three times per year to discuss your child's progress.
Parents receive six written progress reports per year.
Teachers will always arrange a time to talk with you if you have any concerns.
Parent meetings and seminars on Global education at each level of child development are an integral part of our school's culture.

Nurture Mini Planet Primary Years Program
- Nurture Mini Planet, based on the Global Education Model of Education, is a program of empowerment of the individual child, along with study materials, methods and world class assessments.
- Nurture Mini Planet supports all the goals for which an enlightened school stands.
- In Nurture Mini Planet pedagogy, education and educational outcomes are defined in human terms and more broadly than in contemporary education.
- A Mini Planet School helps every child achieve higher levels of excellence than is possible through traditional methods of teaching and learning.
- Global Classroom supports schools in all aspects of implementing of this wider agenda at Mini Planet Schools.
Personalised Learning
- Nurture Mini Planet is a graded / tiered system of studies with focus on mastery.
- Nurture Mini Planet supports different understanding levels within a classroom: top, bottom and the middle.
- Differentiation at the level of detail makes Nurture Mini Planet curriculum the world’s most personalised learning programme. It addresses every child’s needs as an individual.
Nurture Mini Planet provides India's most effective curriculum that has
1. Clear instructional goals
2. High expectation for achievement
3. Small concept-based instructional tiers
4. Clear accomplishment standards for each tier
5. Personalised work plans based on Compete with Yourself! assessments
6. Use of varied methods until understanding is reached
7. Immediate feedback combined with the right level of support and challenge
8. Clear and up-to-date records of student progress


- Confident, competent and caring
- Self-regulated and self-controlled, able to take care of themselves
- Respectful, courteous and mannered
- Independent thinkers
- Team players and leaders
- Creative and curious
- Of a growth mindset:
- Able to deal with the unknown. Enjoy taking on new challenges.
Nurture Mini Planet adds value to and focuses on nurturing the confidence of every child while propelling each child forward to the next level of learning and being.