About us

A Research and Experience Based Approach to Educational Transformation
Global Classroom has its curriculum in over 500 schools across 20 States of India. It is expanding rapidly. The curriculum guarantees the improvement of every child and class and provides data on every child's success.
The school franchise, its curriculum and pedagogy are directed by Dr Sunita Gandhi, Ph.D., Cambridge University, UK, Co-Founder, Council for Global Education, USA, and Founder, Global Classroom Pvt. Ltd., India.
Global Classroom is built on years of international experience of Dr Sunita Gandhi and know-how of the Gandhi family that runs City Montessori School. Dr Gandhi has traveled to and studied educational systems in 38 countries and started schools in the Czech Republic, Iceland and India. With a team of over 200 people working on four continents, Dr Gandhi has come up with Global Education Model of Schooling which is based on the principle of ‘Compete With Yourself!”
From a distinguished education background
Beyond getting an initial education in Lucknow, Sunita Gandhi qualified for the toughest scholarship at Cambridge University’s Trinity College. She then entered into world’s most sought after jobs to work on educational policy at the World Bank in Washington, DC, where she was selected in a worldwide competition to become a Young Professional, leading her into management positions within the institution which she served for nearly 10 years. In 2007, Sunita Gandhi set up the first school in Lucknow, to enable her to implement a much wider agenda of reform in schooling than is possible in schools with already established norms.